Friday, May 27, 2011

Week in Review

Hey everyone, it's been a busy week, so I'm just going to cram everything into one post.

711 school

-This week, we taught water/air pollution, and we used a jug of water to demonstrate tragedy of the commons, in which each student pollutes a clean jug of water with a spoonful of trash/dirt/oil.

-6B has cemented itself as my favorite class, they're so cute!

La Salle

-Made liquid fertilizer: cow/chicken feces, fish/chicken heads, chicken guts, water, chicha, yeast, corn bits, sugar - it gets to sit for three months and ferment!

-Pigs are cute

A little piglet trying to get some water

-There's lots of poo. Everywhere.


-My birthday in Peru was cool, I got to go see the Ollantaytambo ruins and the Pisac ruins/market (So Cool!  The market is fantastic)

Pisac ruins

-There is this amazing cereal type thing here - think life cereal (or frosted mini wheats without the frosted), except that it's filled with chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry filling (amazingly good)

-The stars here are so amazingly bright, and the sky is clear as can be. Go Peru.
Starry Night.

#inlovewithPeru #inlovewithperuvianfood